
Former CIA analyst “appalled” at how Biden shifted the blame in his Monday address

Former CIA Analyst and US veteran Matt Zeller
Image Source: MSNBC

On Monday, President Biden finally addressed the nation to make his excuses about the fall of Kabul to the Taliban. Of course, he devoted some of his speech to blaming Trump for the collapse instead of owning up to his strategic errors.

And there were many.

Yes, the U.S. was always going to have to withdraw from Afghanistan. And Biden’s right in saying there would never be a good time. But it didn’t have to be like this.

Former CIA Analyst and US veteran Matt Zeller said he was “appalled” by Joe Biden’s Afghanistan speech on Monday. He claims the speech is full of lies and that people were giving Biden better strategies — but no one listened.

New energy is ushering in a huge revolution — will you be left behind?

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This is my no. 1 energy stock of 2021

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Now get this: Due to a historic $51 trillion transition underway, Paul says his No. 1 energy stock of 2021
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Already, it’s soared 100% since March… and it’s only just beginning.

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Tucker: We are led by buffoons, everything they touch turns to chaos

You’ll Never Guess the Next Hot Stock Sector

While it’s getting very little attention in the mainstream press…

Wall Street legend Whitney Tilson, says “an absolute stock market frenzy” is erupting in one small corner of the new technology space… 

  • An Ohio company working on this tech soared roughly 500% in two months.
  • A California company considered the leader in this space is up as much as 360% since the start of this year.
  • A New York company entering this space shot up 71% in just two days.
  • A Phoenix company working on this breakthrough recently shot up 104% in a single day. 
  • And a Vancouver company shot up as much as a whopping 1,000% since the start of 2020.  

That’s why Whitney Tilson and his research team have put together a full analysis, which explains everything you need to know about this new, skyrocketing tech sector.

Is this Minnesota school infringing on the freedoms of students and parents?

Children completing schoolwork.
Image Source: AP Photo / Gerald Herbert

During the pandemic, with our kids glued to their computers at the same kitchen table where we were also glued to our computers, one bright side was the window into what teachers were sharing with our kids.

With children at home in remote classes, parents had a front-row seat to the pervasive adoption of radical coursework like the Marxist-inspired critical race theory.

But it’s not just teachers. School administrators are currently perpetuating a very strange vendetta against students who dare to challenge their agenda.

Don’t miss these headlines:

Can the White House manage to keep this tech out of Taliban hands?

Gov. Newsom lets folks know he’s about to lose to this excellent conservative

Taliban frees thousands of prisoners, some of whom are top Al-Qaeda operatives

The horror at the Kabul airport says all you need to know about Biden’s “strategic withdrawal”

Meanwhile, the DHS sees the largest drug bust ever at the border

As always, we appreciate you reading this today. Don’t miss our next edition, straight from The Swamp.

Stay Conservative,

Kris Cleary

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